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为了方便同学们的学习,新东方在线BEC商务英语网为大家准备了BEC写作:商务英语(BEC)高级真题范讲二(写作2),希望以下内容能够为同学们的BEC商务英语听力备考提供帮助!更多与BEC商务英语相关的资讯,尽在新东方BEC商务英语网。      PART TWO
  Write an answer to ONE of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
  Question 1
  You have recently attended the following one-day courses:
  Developing Your Potential
  Trends in Electronic Commerce
  Managing People
  Reducing Costs
  Your company's Training Manager has asked you to write a short report about the training.
  Write the report for the Training Manager:
  describing the two courses which you found most useful
  explaining how you benefited from them
  outlining the specific training courses you would like to attend next year
  giving reasons why these courses would be useful to you.
  Question 2
  Your manager has-asked you to contact a local business school, inviting their
  students to apply for a three-month work placement in your company.
  Write a letter to the Principal of the business school:
  introducing your company and the idea of the placement
  describing what work the placement would involve
  explaining what skills and qualities the successful applicant should have
  saying how the placement would benefit the applicant.
  Question 3
  The Sales Director of your company wants to improve customer service and
  believes that this Can be achieved by extending the opening hours of the Sales
  Department. He has asked you to write a proposal concerning improvements in
  customer service.
  Write a proposal for the Sales Director:
  summarising current problems concerning customer service
  evaluating the Sales Director's suggestion
  presenting one or two other measures which could be taken
  giving reasons for your preferred course of action.以上就是有关BEC写作:商务英语(BEC)高级真题范讲二(写作2)的内容。更多有关BEC商务英语听力的内容,新东方在线BEC商务英语网将第一时间为您发布,敬请期待。

更多 BEC作文、BEC写作模板、BEC高级写作资料,请继续关注 英语作文大全

Online English Writing Community

本文标题:BEC写作:商务英语(BEC)高级真题范讲二(写作2) - BEC写作


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