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  Dear Sirs,

  We wish to buy the following items of electronics equipment for our language laboratory. We should be grateful if you would kindly quote your lowest rates for these items, giving full particulars and technical details. The quantity we propose to buy is mentioned against each item. Since the processing of the purchase proposal takes quite some time, it would be helpful if you could quote rates which may remain valid for at least three months.

  We want to set up the lab by the end of June so that if can function when the university reopens in July. We would , therefore, like the equipment to be delivered to us latest by June 15. Please let us know whether you will be able to arrange the supply by this date.

  Please let us aslo know the guarantee period and any after-sales facility offered by you.

  We look forward to hearing from you soon.

  Yours faithfully,


  Purchase Officer


  Dear Sir,

  Thank you for your letter No. ... dated ...

  We have pleasure in submitting the following quotation for your consideration. We confirm that the prices will remain valid for three months.

  Packing charges and other duties and taxes are included in the price quoted above.

  Since the equipment is breakable and expensive, we would strongly advise you to get it insured. If you agree, we shall do it for you at an extra charge of 1/2 per cent on the quoted price. The equipment will be sent by goods train within one month of the receipt of your order.

  All items are guaranteed for three years. During this period, if necessary, we shall repair or replace any item at our cost.

  We do not requite any advance but would like the payment to be made by crossed cheque drawn on the City Bank, within 15 days of the receipt of equipment.

  We look forward to receiving your order soon. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to write us.

  Yours faithfully,

  John Morris

  Sales Manager


  Dears Sirs,

  Thank you for your letter No....dated....

  We are pleased to place an order for the following items on the terms and conditions agreed upon. Please send the equipment duly insured and include the extra charges in your bill.

  We note that the equipment will be sent by goods train and reach us within one month of the receipt of this order.

  We shall make the payment by crossed cheque as desired by you soon after the arrival and inspection of equipment.

  Yours faithfully,


  Purchase Officer

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