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Establishment of a New Firm - Bodies

  1.It is our intention to confine ourselves to the wholesale business of silk goods.

  2.The new firm will devote its attention principally to commission business, in which the shipping of cotton will form an important feature.

  3. Any business which you may have in or near this city, whether of a professional nature or otherwise, and for the sake of which it may not be worth while to incur the expenses of a journey expressly, I shall be happy to transact as an agent.

  4. I assure you that it shall be my endeavor to act with promptitude and efficiency, as well as with a due regard to economy, in all the matters entrusted to my care.

  5. Feeling confident of my ability to conduct any transactions, and to execute any orders committed to my charge in a speedy, economical, and satisfactory manner, I solicit the favor of your commands.

  6. The thorough knowledge and trade experience which I have gained in this branch of business during a twelve years' engagement as an employee and manager of prominent firms in this branch both at home and abroad, will enable me to cope with all reasonable requirements.

  7. It will be my chief aim to gain the confidence of my business friends by conscientious fulfilment of my obligation and by careful attention to the orders of my friends

  8. The business will be carried on from this day under the firm of W.& G.

  9. In acquainting you with the establishment of our new firm of W. & Co., allow us to call your attention to the mode of business we have determined upon.

  10. We offer your goodselves our services as general shipping agents for any shipments you may have via London.

  11. We offer you our services for the clearance of the cargoes through customs and delivery.

  12. On his suggestion, we take the liberty of offering you our services for any commission which you may wish to execute here.

  13. The excellent reputation which your house enjoys here, renders me extremely desirous of entering, if possible, into business relations with you, and I therefore offer you my services for any purchases you may have to make in this place.

  14. Having for many years been in almost daily intercourse with the principal manufacturers of our town, and being always well informed about the newest patterns, I flatter myself that you could put my services to profit.

  15. Being an agent for various steamship companies, I am able to quote specially low rates for all classes of cargoes.

  16. Having a large connection with both the steamship and railway companies, we can offer special facilities.

  17. We have an extensive equipment and large stock, and we are able to render prompt and efficient services.

  18. Our wide connection among those who do business on silk places us in the most favourable position for doing business on the best possible terms.

  19. Under the circumstances, we can confidently assert that any business with which you may favour us will afford you the fullest satisfaction.

  20. We hope that you can favour us with your shipments, which will at all times receive our best attention.

  21. We shall be pleased to send our representatives at any time, should you desire us to submit quotation.

  22. Should you at any time be able to use our medium, we shall be glad to hear from you.

  23. We have the pleasure to enclose you our shipping lists for this month, and trust to receive your shipments, which will at all times be promptly attended to.

  24. If you require rates for any other articles, please let us know and we shall quote our lowest freights.

  25. We can assure you that any business which you may place with us shall receive our best and prompt attention.

  26. We shall always endeavour to meet our customers' requirements in regard to delivery.

  27. Any information that you may require, we shall be very pleased to forward to you.

  28. We should be glad if you will have our name put upon your inquiry lists for the articles shown in the booklet.

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本文标题:商务公文常用语之开业通知—正文 - BEC写作


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