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You have been informed that next Wednesday your company's computer system will be closed down so that improvements can be made.

Write an email to all staff in your department:

a.saying what time on Wednesday the system will be closed down

b.suggesting how staff should prepare for this

c.saying how the system will be better after the improvements

Write 40--50 words


From: Jenny Xu

To: All Staff

Date: 5 April 2009

Subject: Computer System

I want to tell you that our Intranet based on Linux will be closed next Wednesday at 10 o'clock.. I want to suggesting that you should save all your important documents. The computer system will be faster because we will use a newer SAP system. The new system is according to ISO900 and we will benefit from that.




1. 漏掉题中给出的已知条件。

2. 给出的已知条件没有表达清楚,用词过于口语化,没有条理,暴露出语言功底薄弱。

3. 切忌过于花哨的发挥,多说多错。


以这篇习文为例,作者在具体语言的表达的雕琢上可圈可点,比如说第一个句子中based on引导的过去分词做后置定语,但是显而忘记了这篇文章的主要目的,那就是通知同事公司电脑系统要升级,但update这个词始终没有在文章中出现,因此读下来以后,可能同事还不是非常清楚,为什么computer system will be closed down, 尽管后面提到了improvement,总让人觉得有些如鲠在咽,言之不尽;因此,思路不清晰是这篇习文最大的问题。


1. 有些用词过于口语化,比如说,文章开头, I want to tell you, 文中you should save这样的用语;

2. 建议Linux, 将SAP, ISO900等唬人术语统统除去,诚然BEC涉及到基本的商务知识,但是真正考核的还是语言功底,语用能力;商务知识好比是盖浇饭里面的小炒而已。

3.里面还有一个明显的语法错误,I want to suggesting….,当然阅卷者不会刻意去搜寻语法错误,而是综合考量语法得分,但由于小作文篇幅较短,那么这个错误就显得非常明显。


Please be informed that our computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 o'clock for system upgrade. The closure will last for at least two hours. Make sure that you have saved all your documents before that time. The whole system will run on a new server, much faster than the current one.

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