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Online English Writing Community

Section IV 用启、承、转,合词填空

  Text 1

  Teachers of foreign languages should be extremely well-qualified in order to carry out their duties properly. 15)______, a teacher should possess a minimum of a graduate degree from a certified education school or institute if he is to teach high school or below. Besides the academic degree, teachers should not consider teaching only as an occupation for earning money; they should also be interested in teaching. It was 16)______ necessary that teachers be knowledgeable in their major fields, 17)______ they should further more be skillful as well. 18)______ the language teacher must know the target language well enough to be imitated by his students. A teacher should 19)______ know the linguistic facts of the language of the students in order to understand problems they will have in learning the target language, 20)______ the teacher must be familiar with audio-lingual techniques. Knowing all this will help the students to learn correctly and quickly.

  Text 2

  21)______ studying too much may be harmful to students. 22)______, many teachers expect their students to do more work than they can handle. 23)______, parents do not realize that pressuring their children to study hard than called for can injure their children‘s health. 24)______ most parents know what growing boys and girls need relaxation as well as exercise, 25)______ many students have no choice but to burn the candle at the both ends in order to get good grades and please their parents, but a physically weaker or socially deprived child may not be able to keep up with such a hurried pace. Accordingly, this pressure to study in excess of what is required.

  1) University Students Like Reading Newspapers in English

  Dear Editor:

  I am a student at Renmin University of China in Beijing. As a regular who goes to the university library‘s newspaper room, I have discovered that many students like reading newspaper in English, especially China Daily.

  The reason that China Daily is popular among students is not difficult to explain. A major characteristic of China Daily is the conciseness of its articles. Most of the articles are brief, clearly written and informative. Many students are busy with their studies and don‘t have much spare time. However, by reading China Daily, readers can get up-to-date news about China and the world and enhance their reading capabilities at the same time and, more importantly, it doesn’t cost them a lot of time. In this sense, China Daily is providing a sort of “fast-food” to its readers. Furthermore, China Daily also helps its readers improve their writing skills. For those students who find English compositions difficult, articles on China Daily serve as perfect examples.

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