abandon a claim 放弃索赔
abandon 委付;放弃
abandon as unsalvageable 无法抢救而放弃
abandon option 放弃期权
abandon property 废弃财产
abandon rate 挂断率
abate a price 降价
abatement 冲消;折扣
abdication 放弃权利
abide by the contract 遵守合同
ability of bearing taxation 负税能力
ablility of the subject of pay 纳税能力
ablility-to-pay principle 负税能力原则
ablility to communicate 交流能力
abject poverty 赤贫
able-adult 壮丁
abnormal depreciation 特别折旧
abnormal profit 超额利润
abnormal risk 特殊风险
abnormal spoilage 非正常破损
abode 营业所;住所
abolish 废除;取消
abortive 不能
aboriginal cost 原始成本
above market 高于市价
above par 超出面值
above-the-line expenditure 经常预算支出
above par value 高与平价
abrasion 磨损
absence of consideration 缺对价
absent from work 缺勤;旷工
absenteeism 旷工;缺勤
absolute acceptance 无条件承兑
absolute advantage 绝对利益;绝对优势
absolute assignment 绝对转让
absolute availabilities of imports 绝对进口供应额
absolute endorsement 无条件背书
absolute interest 绝对产权;绝对利益
absolute quotas 绝对配额
absolute spread 绝对差额
absolute warranty of sea-worthiness 绝对适航保证
absolve 豁免;免除
absorbed costs 归入成本;已分摊成本
absorbed declination 以分摊跌价差额
absorbed expenses 以分摊费用
absorption account 费用分摊帐户
abstaining 弃权
abstention 弃权
abstract title 产权说明
academic intelligence 学术方面的才智
academic interests 学术界
academic smarts 学术方面的才能
accelerated learning 速成学习
accept 承兑
accelerated depreciation allowance 加速折旧扣除
acceptance commission 承兑手续费
acceptance credit 承兑信用
acceptance draft 承兑汇票
acceptance financing 承兑融资
acceptance sampling 验收抽样
access 使用;享用权;进入
access fee 使用费
accession to the wto 加入世界贸易组织
accessories 装饰品;首饰;衣饰
accessory apartment 附属房(个人独立住宅中供出租的多余房屋)
accident frequency rate 意外伤亡事故频率(按每百万工作小时计)
accident report book 事故记事本
accommodation 适应性调节;(应急的)短期贷款
abandon 委付;放弃
abandon as unsalvageable 无法抢救而放弃
abandon option 放弃期权
abandon property 废弃财产
abandon rate 挂断率
abate a price 降价
abatement 冲消;折扣
abdication 放弃权利
abide by the contract 遵守合同
ability of bearing taxation 负税能力
ablility of the subject of pay 纳税能力
ablility-to-pay principle 负税能力原则
ablility to communicate 交流能力
abject poverty 赤贫
able-adult 壮丁
abnormal depreciation 特别折旧
abnormal profit 超额利润
abnormal risk 特殊风险
abnormal spoilage 非正常破损
abode 营业所;住所
abolish 废除;取消
abortive 不能
aboriginal cost 原始成本
above market 高于市价
above par 超出面值
above-the-line expenditure 经常预算支出
above par value 高与平价
abrasion 磨损
absence of consideration 缺对价
absent from work 缺勤;旷工
absenteeism 旷工;缺勤
absolute acceptance 无条件承兑
absolute advantage 绝对利益;绝对优势
absolute assignment 绝对转让
absolute availabilities of imports 绝对进口供应额
absolute endorsement 无条件背书
absolute interest 绝对产权;绝对利益
absolute quotas 绝对配额
absolute spread 绝对差额
absolute warranty of sea-worthiness 绝对适航保证
absolve 豁免;免除
absorbed costs 归入成本;已分摊成本
absorbed declination 以分摊跌价差额
absorbed expenses 以分摊费用
absorption account 费用分摊帐户
abstaining 弃权
abstention 弃权
abstract title 产权说明
academic intelligence 学术方面的才智
academic interests 学术界
academic smarts 学术方面的才能
accelerated learning 速成学习
accept 承兑
accelerated depreciation allowance 加速折旧扣除
acceptance commission 承兑手续费
acceptance credit 承兑信用
acceptance draft 承兑汇票
acceptance financing 承兑融资
acceptance sampling 验收抽样
access 使用;享用权;进入
access fee 使用费
accession to the wto 加入世界贸易组织
accessories 装饰品;首饰;衣饰
accessory apartment 附属房(个人独立住宅中供出租的多余房屋)
accident frequency rate 意外伤亡事故频率(按每百万工作小时计)
accident report book 事故记事本
accommodation 适应性调节;(应急的)短期贷款
上一篇:商务英语考试辅导:商务英语词组M 下一篇:私人和公务信函英文写(三)