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  The bar chart given above reflects that the number of readers choosing paper book or electronic books experienced some changes during the past four years. The number of paper book readers decreased slowly from 10 million in 2010 to 8 million in 2013. However, during the same period, the number of electronic book readers increased steadily from 8 million to 12 million.

  We learn from the bar chart that people in mounting numbers would like to choose electronic books while less people like paper books. What might account for this phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows: for one thing, with the widespread availability of electronic devices such as smartphones,tablet PC and Electronic Reader,it is much easier for electronic books to be applied and popularized. Secondly, compared with paper books, electronic books are characterized by convenience in terms of carrying and saving spaces. Furthermore, the costs of purchasing and downloading electronic books are lower that of paper books, which enables readers to save a great deal of money. Last but not least, electronic books sometimes stand for high fashion and efficiency.

  Whether electronic books will totally replace paper books one day still seems to be uncertain. However, no matter what kind of books will vanish, the habit of reading books should not be eliminated. (218 words)






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本文标题:2014年英语四级考试作文备考精选范文(1) - 英语四级作文_四级作文_四级英语作文


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