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  Directions: Write a composition entitled The Brain and the Computer. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

  有人认为预测电脑的功能将超过人脑。请就人脑与电脑的区别写一 篇作文,你可以从体积、运算速度和结构等方面进行对比。


  The Brain and the Computer

  Some recent developments in computer industry make scientists predict that the gap between human beings and the machine will be closed by the year 20000.

  To understand the significance of this prediction, let us compare the human brain with existing computers. The brain consumes electrical energy at the rate of 25 watts and occupies volume of one tenth of a cubic foot. The brain houses between 10 billion and 100 billion items of information. Every brain cell is directly connected to many other cells. As a result, the cells in which information is stored can communicate with thousands of other cells. Incontrast,jhe^computer^consu;mes_1000,000wwattsofelectricaLpower^and occupieshundredsofcubicJ:eeLofspace.^rhe^computermemoryjisJlike^acell ofpigeonholes^withnojhinking^capacityandnoconnectionselsewhere.

  In a word, thejel^ctronicbrainsjcanjhopelesslysucceedJinjcomgarison with the human brains. (151 words)



  根据最近计算机行业的一些进展,科学家们做出预测:电脑将于 20000年时接近人脑。

  为了弄清这项预测的重要性,让我们来对比一下人脑和目前的电脑。 人脑消耗电能的速度为25瓦,大小为一立方尺的十分之一。人脑能储 存上百亿到上千亿条信息。每个脑细胞都直接与许多其他细胞相连。因 此,存储着信息的那些细胞便能与几千个其他细胞发生联系。相比之下, 电脑耗能一百万瓦,占地几百立方尺。电脑的记忆正如鸽舍中的一个小 格子,没有思考能力,也无法与外界取得联系。



  predict v.预测,预言 cubic foot立方尺

  gap n.差互巨大 house v.容纳

  close v.消失,结束 communicate with ... 与… …交流,沟通

  significance n.重要性 意义

  compare ... with ...把 和 in contrast 相比较 进行比较

  pigeonhole n.分类架

  consume v.消耗 in a word总之,简言之

  at the rate of ...以 的速度 in comparison with ... 与… •…比较,同……比较起来

  occupy volume of . 占据 的体积

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本文标题:2013年12月英语四级作文预测:人脑和电脑 - 英语四级作文_四级作文_四级英语作文


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