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  A Letter of Invitation to Give a Lecture

  Dear Prof. Smith, it is my honor on behalf of the Student Union to invite you to give us a lecture on English learning.

  As is known, you are a prestigious scholar in the second language acquisition and English literature.

  Your instruction will be invaluable to our English learning.

  As non-English majors, we have difficulty in reading comprehension, for we always are frustrated by the unfamiliar vocabulary.

  And it is never easy to memorize so many words while we have to pay more attention to our own majors.

  Besides problems in reading, we can not express our ideas in fluent English.

  Although we can pass English examinations,we can not communicate effectively with foreigners. It will be greatly appreciated that you could give us some suggestions concerning problems mentioned above.

  We are all expecting your lecture.

  Thanks again. Yours sincerely, Jack

  invaluable [in'væljuəbl] adj. 无价的

  communicate [kə'mju:nikeit] v. 交流,传达,沟通

  sincerely [sin'siəli] adv. 真诚地,真心地

  instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n. 说明,须知,指令,教学

  acquisition [.ækwi'ziʃən] n. 获得,所获之物

  effectively [i'fektivli] adv. 事实上,有效地

  appreciated [ə'pri:ʃieit] vt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 vi. 增值;涨价

  fluent ['flu:ənt] adj. 流利的,流畅的

  unfamiliar ['ʌnfə'miljə] adj. 不熟悉的

  prestigious [pres'tidʒiəs] adj. 享有声望的,声望很高的

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本文标题:2016年12月英语四级作文范文背诵50篇(三十五) - 英语四级作文_四级作文_四级英语作文



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