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    5. Scientific Discovery — Curse Or Blessing
    New scientific discovery nearly always brings mankind a blessing. Take electricity for example. Since its discovery, it has ushered in an era of countless inventions in close connection with it. Nowadays people can read and write by means of lights instead of candles. Fire is another example of discoveries which made human beings survive in ancient times and generates electricity in modern times. Again, minerals such as oil or coal discovered by man have long been used as fuel to develop industry and agriculture.
    Yet sometimes scientific discoveries may prove a curse upon the human race. As we know, everything has two sides. Electricity can shock one to death if used carelessly. Smoke from factories and gases from cars are terrible pollutants. Radium used in nuclear power plants can lead to a nuclear war.
    The misuse of scientific discoveries must be prevented. Since chemical elements or substances were discovered, some have been made use of for purpose of war. Such weapons as atomic bombs or poisonous gases have proved to be destructive to mankind. Therefore, it is the whole world's duty to prevent scientific discoveries from menacing the human race.

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本文标题:2012年12月英语六级写作优秀范文推荐(5) - 英语六级作文_六级作文_六级英语作文_四六级作文


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