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  cet6六级级作文范文:on work efficiency工作效率

  on work efficiency

  mor e and more people have become awa re of the significance of work efficiency . what does work ef ficiency mean ? fir st of all , it mean s working without any waste of time . a person with efficiency can produce mor e things in less time . in addition , work efficiency is closely linked with bett er quality of work results .

  many people ar e inter ested in improving their work ef ficiency becau se it can bring a lot of benefits both to an individual and to the society .

  the most obvious benefit of wor k efficiency is that a per - son can use the time saved to do a lot of other valuable things . for example , a student who studies with high efficiency can win time to r ead more books , and to be engaged in mor e activities . another benefit is that a per son who works efficiently can have more leisur e time to enjoy life . he can do wha tever he likes to do in his leisure time , such as listening to music , going to movies , shopping , and touring .

  high ef ficiency in work will undoubtedly lead to the gr eainc rease of output and the improvement of the quality of products , which will , in turn , contribute to the development and the prosperity of the society .

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