
满分作文 Mending a Puncture 补车胎

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  Mending a Puncture

  The other day found the front tyre of my bicycle was flat. There was a puncture in the tyre. I always insist on doing everything on my own, so I decided to repair the puncture by myself.

  First, I got my bicycle puncture-repair kit, and found what I wanted: a tube of glue, some chalk and some rubber patches. In addition, I got a bucket full of water.Second, I took the wheel off the bicycle, leveled off the tyre and took out the inner tube. Thlrd, I partly pumped up the inner tube and then submerged it, section by section, in the water to see where the puncture was. When a stream of bubbles were rising, I knew where the puncture was. Fourth, I dried and cleaned the surface of the inner tube. Then marked the hole with the chalk, applied some glue to the surface of the inner tube and to one of the rubber patches, and pressed the rubber patch firmly over the hole. Finally, I pushed the inner tube back inside the tyre of the bicycle wheel, and pumped up the tyre until it was hard.

  That was the whole repairing process.





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