
高考英语作文范文 中国梦我的梦 Chinese Dream,My Dream

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  Chinese Dream,My Dream

  Now, everyone is discussing the Chinese dream-realizing the great renewal of the Chinese nation.And Chinese people are greatly encouraged by it. I hope China is becoming stronger and stronger,the people are becoming richer and richer,happier and happier.

  As for me, I dream of being a good farmer.When my friends heard this,they were every surprised and said I was crazy.They thought farmers are too common in China.But I don’t agree, beause more and more people go into big cities to work and live there,there are fewer and fewer people in the country. There are too many people in China,they all need to eat,but who give them food?Farmers,of course.So I must study very hard now,and I will go to a good high school,then I will go to a good university to get enough knowledge about plants.After that,I’ll learn more about the machines and computers, I’ll use them to help me in future.Next,I’ll rent a large farm in the countryside.I’ll try to use the machines on the farm, and even I’ll use computers to help me, so I can work at home.I think science is my energy.

This is my dream. If everyone does their own things well,our Chinese dream will be sure to come true in the future.

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本文标题:高考英语作文范文 中国梦我的梦 Chinese Dream,My Dream - 高考英语作文_高考英语作文万能模板_高考英语满分作文范文


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