
2014高考英语作文范文:博学的教授(Learned Professor)

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  2014年高考即将来临,2014高考英语作文会出什么题呢?对于考生来说,在考试前一定要好好的看一些高考英语范文,提高自己的英语写作水平。下面为大家带来一篇高考英语作文范文:博学的教授(Learned Professor)。

  高考英语作文范文:博学的教授(Learned Professor)

  Directions Write a composition about LEARNED PROFESSOR You are given some key words and phrases to guide your writing. Key words and phrases: intelligent. admire, knowledgeable, interesting, explain. understand, and, then, when, at a loss.

  Learned Professor

  Dr. B. B. is an lndian and cxtremely intclligcnt. We admire him and enjoy his company, He is very bald with only half a circle of thin hair round his head. One day in class,Zhang Ying was being naughty. As soon as Dr. B. B turned to write on the blackboard, she drew a sketeh of him in the shape of an egg with a half circle of thin hair, which made us burst out hughthg,for it resembles his head exactly.

  He is highly intelligent. Once I went to ask him a question, and he lectured for more than one hour before he stopped. This time,I learned a lesson. Time was short. I could not afford to ask him a question.

  What ia funny is that this time John was caught by him. John and Tim were in my office. The door was open. Dr. B. B passed by. They greeted him. Then Tim asked Dr. B. B a question, He answered with a few words. Then John put to him another question, which touched on Dr. B. B‘s highly potential brain nerve. Thinking for a moment, he drew my chair and sat down. John knew it was going to be a long lecture. Dr. R. R took off his glasses and put them on his leg. John was even more worried. Then, Dr. B. B talked on and on. Tim and John had to wait for him to stop. At last ,John could wait no more, so he interrupted Dr. B. B saying:"l‘m going to study now." So saying, he got to his feet. Dr. B. B would not let him go. "You sit down," he said, and he gave a long lecture until he believed he had explained everything thoroughly.

  The atory amuaed me. While we wen having dumphngs at John‘s, he repeated the story, which made us all filled with fun. Dr. B. B. is so knowledgeable. When I ask him one question, he would go from one to another, then another, then still another. We students could not follow him. We would be at a loss.

  Dr. B, B. is very respected.

  这篇“博学的教授(Learned Professor)”高考英语作文范文是很有参考价值的,考生们不妨就这个话题来写一篇这样的作文,看自己写得怎么样。高考英语作文陆续为大家带来更多的高考英语作文范文。

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