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新GRE考试写作范文精品解析 高分轻而易举

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The effectiveness of a country’s leaders should be measured by the well-beings of the citizens.

The effectiveness of a country’s leaders has been linked to the well-beings of the citizens. Surely there has been no time in history where people’s livelihood has been put so much priority. A close examination of the reality reveals how conscious the public leaders are of their people. British citizens are well enjoying the National Healthcare System where the government pays for their medical services. When the American laid-offs watch TV on their sofa, the country is paying for their living expenses. As commuters in Beijing, China get used to the cheap metro fare, it took years for the administration to finally decide a slight increase of it. Each of these shows that citizen’s well-beings have been emphasized.

Some arguers attempt to negate the possible links between the effectiveness of national leaders and citizen’s quality of life. Or at least they try to propose other standards necessary for effective leaders in addition to the one the statement discusses. The rationale behind is that as a country’s leaders, these decision-makers are responsible for the whole country by all means, including every single aspect involved in their national matters. Among those aspects, citizens are merely a small part of the whole picture. If a hypothetical leader of a sovereign country overly pursues the welfare of his people, and then he would be unable to fight for other issues due to the limited resources. As a consequence, the effectiveness of this leader would be impaired.

However, this theory unreasonably ignores the nature of national leaders and political ruling. In spite of the efforts put in various social issues, the ultimate goal of leaders would be the contentment and prosperity of their countrymen. No matter what they do, they do it for the sake of this purpose. With New Deal, President Roosevelt successfully ended the financial crisis, which seemed one of the “other aspects” according to the arguers above. Nevertheless, a quick reflection of the situation back then would tell us Mr. Roosevelt adopted the new policy out of his desire to fight for his people. Otherwise, he would not have taken the risk of abandoning the previous practice from his predecessor and offended the capitalists that the government mainly depended on financially. Regardless of opposition from certain parties, Roosevelt was judged as an effective leader in terms of his political policies.

While an effective leader would spare no effort to enhance the upbeat of citizens, it works well the other way around. History proves that citizens of well-beings would in turn help consolidate the leaders’ effectiveness in their ruling. Some governments always carry out quick response to natural disasters happening in their countries, aiming at protecting and rescuing the wounded nationals. In this way, a leader is sending a message that the people are those what he values most. With such realization, the people rescued from previous accidents would contribute their efforts and experience to similar disasters in another day. Likewise, in other occasions, the same occurrence would happen, which would definitely help solve emergencies and accidents in some way. As a result, it would strengthen the effectiveness of the leader due to proper settlement of social issues.

A common misunderstanding is that leaders have too much to consider, so citizens only plays a role among roles. However, comprehensive thought would lead us to a more veracious conclusion that all the efforts of the leaders are reflected by the citizens’ welfare thus should be measured by it as well.

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本文标题:新GRE考试写作范文精品解析 高分轻而易举 - GRE作文_GRE范文


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