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新GRE写作社会类话题总览:Social Problems Overview 本期内容为社会类常见出题范围的总览的第一部分,建议大家都了解一下新GRE关于社会类题目主要会出哪些方面的问题,如果是自己不太熟悉的内容可以借此了解一下,比如知道ozone hole, global warming, 以及一些social problem所包括的内容。没有给出相关issue题目是因为本次内容涉及题目较广,科学,社会等都可以用到,请大家灵活运用!
新GRE写作社会类话题: Problems of Poverty and Work Many myths and stereotypes--and many theories--exist about the poor and the causes of poverty. Sociological explanations for poverty focus on societal needs and social forces. In one view, poverty is an outcome of longstanding conflict between haves and have-nots; in another, poverty is actually functional for society. Structural arrangements, such as official unemployment and the stipulation of a poverty line, have the effect of limiting opportunities and justifying social inequality. Thus, poverty is perpetuated through class discrimination and unequal opportunities for upward mobility. Programs and policies for addressing problems of poverty and work, such as the social welfare system and affirmative action, are themselves problems. 新GRE写作社会类话题: Problems of Racial and Ethnic Inequality economic and political inequalities in any country arise from overconcentrations of wealth and power. Imbalances in the distribution of power can lead to a lack of political representation in government for some groups, the creation of power elites, the loss of personal freedoms and civil liberties, and abuses of authority, of which genocide is an extreme example. Imbalances in the distribution of wealth can lead to the loss of economic opportunity and social mobility, the creation of a permanent underclass, and conditions of illiteracy, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, and disease. The social problems caused by economic and political inequality are a threat to global security. 新GRE写作社会类话题: Gender Inequality Social and institutional contexts for sex discrimination in American life have included the workplace, occupations, wages, income, housing, banking, health care, toys, school, education, employment, consumer marketplace, military, media, religious organizations, and home. Despite a century of social change stimulated by the feminist movement, gender inequality persists, for example, in problems of sexual violence and exploitation and in issues surrounding gender orientation and homosexuality. 新GRE写作社会类话题: Aging Society and Inequalities of Age The so-called “graying of America” has called attention to inequalities of age and the difficulties of caring for growing numbers of elderly in American society. Age is a source of social problems because the very young and the very old may be more vulnerable than other age groups in society. Problems of the elderly, for example, can include poverty, financial insecurity, dependency, isolation, social and political inequality, victimization, and lack of access to adequate housing and health care. 新GRE写作社会类话题: Problems of Racial and Ethnic Inequality No-one doubts that racial and ethnic prejudice and discrimination are sources of grave social problems in the U.S. and in any society. Social contexts for prejudice and discrimination include beliefs about racial purity or superiority, ethnocentric views, stereotyping and labeling, physical and social segregation, economic competition and exploitation in a split-labor market, and institutionalized inequality. Problems of racism persist despite a civil rights movement of more than 50 years and major social change. Other issues in pluralistic societies such as the U.S. relate to the question of giving greater emphasis to diversity or to the assimilation of diverse groups. 新GRE写作社会类话题: Crime, Violence, Drugs, and the Criminal Justice System Many social problems involve the concept of deviance in relation to a society’s system of social control. These problems overlap significantly because the social and cultural factors that contribute to deviant or antisocial behaviors are complex and deeply interrelated. Juvenile delinquency and street crime, for example, may be linked to youth gang and organized crime activities; the availability of guns, alcohol, and drugs; poverty, unemployment, and lack of economic opportunity; racism; family instability and domestic violence; school failure; and the influence of mass media. Issues within the criminal justice system itself add to the social problems of crime, violence, and drugs. 以上就是为大家精心收集整理的写作素材,希望能让各位考GRE的战友有所收获,预祝大家都能在GRE写作考试中灵感似泉涌,下笔如有神,取得优异的成绩。

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