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想要在GRE作文部分的考试中写出优秀的文章,论据素材是重要的一环。好的论据不仅能帮助你支撑观点,加强说服力,还能体现出考生在阅读量上的积累和深厚扎实的语言功底基础。特别是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作为储备,才能保证考生无论遭遇那种题目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的写作。小编为大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各类题目的精品优质素材,一起来看吧。


Art psychology developed in opposition to 19th century philosophical aesthetics which approached art by first asking about beauty and metaphysics. For most art psychologists, beauty is culturally or socially contingent. Art psychology was, however, also developed initially in opposition to Husserlian phenomenology which made no normative judgments about meaning. Most branches of art psychology emphasize the primacy of consciousness, but there are variants which engage the question of the subconscious. Generally speaking, however, those interested in the psychology of art express optimism about art and its meanings that moves them away from the concepts discussed by Freud.


In the narrow sense, there is no discipline “the psychology of art”, for unlike other branches of psychology, with their numerous academies and research programs, there are few Psychology of Art programs in the universities. Nonetheless, the literature on the topic is extensive, given that the issues addressed by art psychology have attracted both professional psychologists as well as non-professionals; it has attracted those who write about the arts, including music and architecture, and those who produce it.

The general principles that guide most of the work in art psychology are:

1. that art is perceptual and that it can thus be studied by asking questions about our perceptions;

2. that art operates in a cultural continuum and that one can come to terms with the continuum through analysis of art;

3. that the production of art is a meaningful enterprise and as such is an important avenue by which one comes to terms with human creativity.


Although art is viewed as a flowery pastime by most people, it can be seen in artistic discovery and advancements, through the recreation and entertainment that most people enjoy today, and through the lives and works of those we consider to be artists that art is amazingly concerned with science. The development of art forms such as photography was made possible because of scientific discoveries. The earliest photograph is attributed to Joseph-Nicephore Niepce. Although his first photograph was no where near as clear and glossy as what we would consider to be a photograph, his scientific discovery allowed for further development in the area. Robert Kunzig writes Niepce used particles of asphalt, hardened by the sun and rinsed in lavender oil to capture his pictures.


It is not solely important to be an expert in one area, but almost necessary to be accomplished in as many different things as possible to truly understand the nature of anything. When schools deny children the opportunities to study art, music, and other creative outlets they are denying the children the opportunity to develop in all areas. The basic academic areas of English, history, math, and science are jam packed with all sorts of artistic opportunities. Art like science allows people to create. Writing and English allow people to express their thoughts. Music and math allow people to break down, add up and explain other areas of life. History is the greatest reflection of man kind’s art and creation throughout the years. One area of study can not make such as large impact as they can all together. It is a shame to deny anyone the opportunity to cultivate an intense amount of information, in effect limiting the impact they can make on society. If the budget does not allow for extra classes such as music and art the answer is not to eliminate these areas from the curriculum all together, but rather integrate them into other subject areas. Where would we be if the great people of our history had not been Renaissance men?

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本文标题:GRE写作Issue部分精品素材分享之艺术心理学 - GRE作文_GRE范文


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