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想要在GRE作文部分的考试中写出优秀的文章,论据素材是重要的一环。好的论据不仅能帮助你支撑观点,加强说服力,还能体现出考生在阅读量上的积累和深厚扎实的语言功底基础。特别是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作为储备,才能保证考生无论遭遇那种题目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的写作。小编为大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各类题目的精品优质素材,一起来看吧。


Computers and advanced technology have made it possible to create film-work that continues to grow more and more accurate and lifelike. With the invention of computer animation, animators have been able to create scenes for movies in minutes rather than hours. Computer animation is not limited to cartoons but can also be used to create events that would have been dangerous or impossible to capture otherwise. Journalist Fenella Sauders, who spoke with Computer graphics scientist John Anderson, reports a lot of science went into making those monster waves in the film The Perfect Storm. Anderson says, “The trick (in making a wave look more believable) is to cheat the physics. If you want a wave to break at a certain time, you have to manipulate it a significant amount of time ahead. You can’t just come in and break it right then because it will look like the hand of God just came down and slapped the thing”.

Thanks to advancements in technology like computer animation people get closer and closer to realistically recreating reality. Games, although not always considered to be an art form, are making a new name for themselves as visual attractions when they meet architecture.


Architecture and art have always been closely related. Most buildings are not only designed to be sturdy but also to be beautiful to the eye and to the soul. It is not uncommon to drive through a city and see a large mural painted on the side of a building. What is uncommon is to see a ten story Tetris game running on the side of a building, but students from Brown University’s Technology House have made that sight a little more common. Fenella Saunders reports, several hundred people got to play the game, including Apple cofounder and Tetris whiz Steve Wozniak, who flew out for the event.


The most famous example of the Theocracies influence on art would be the Great Sphinx and the Pyramids of Chefren. These eminent works of art were created to show the importance and divine power of the Pharaoh, as well as, to serve as a burial tomb. The Sphinx itself is sculpted with great precision and close attention was paid to the basic anatomy of the human face, but the features of the Pharaoh are idealized. It is a portrait not of an individual but of the concept of divinity. The lion body, falcon headdress and transcendental stare of the Sphinx show a certain calmness and mystery, which encapsulates the ideal perfection of the Pharaoh.

In the Middle Kingdom Akhenaton came to power and changed the religious structure of Egypt. He believed in a monotheistic system that placed all faith in one God, Aton-Ra. Akhenaton did not depict himself as an all powerful God-King, but a messenger through which Aton-Ra spoke. The changes in the role of the Pharaoh dramatically changed the art of the time. Art began to depict more physical human characteristics, and less divine idealism. A stone relief that shows the royal couple and their three children sitting under the raise of the sun God is a good example of this change. No longer is the Pharaoh depicted as the most important figure in Egyptian art, and for the first time, other people are shown on the same level as the Pharaoh. This monotheistic reign strongly conflicted with the interest of the priests, who had a vested interest in preserving the old polytheistic traditions. Directly following his death, Akhenaton’s successors echoed his name from the historical monuments and brought back the traditional polytheistic religion.


It is no wonder that humans want to interest themselves in the world of science not only in a research atmosphere but also in entertainment. Powell also gives a list of examples. Copenhagen, the 2000 Tony award winner for Best Play, is a searching meditation on quantum theory and the ethics of atomic research. Opening science up to the public in an interesting way makes science in the entertainment realm definitely a positive movement. Many of the people thought of as scientists are also artists, or vise versa. James Herriot, who has written many children’s stories and a number of novels on animals, is also a veterinarian. Herriot’s book are a retelling of the events he encounters in his practice, but they are not at all dull and to the point with no extra flower, as many people might think of person of scientific mind would write. His stories are colorful and poetic which makes them loveable to all ages of people everywhere.

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Online English Writing Community

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