

阅读 :

What are the purposes of places such as museums and how should they be funded?

A museum is a place where a collection of objects illustrating science, art, history, or other subjects is kept and displayed. Therefore, the purpose of museums is, to my mind, twofold: to collect and preserve the results of human achievement and evidence of the natural world and to use these collections to enhance human knowledge and understanding.

A museum needs to acquire new objects to add to its collection. Many are gifts from people who collect such items as paintings, precious stones, or sculpture. Other gifts include items that have been kept in a family for many generations. Sometimes a museum buys an item needed to fill a gap in one of its collections. Museum conservators clean, preserve, or restore objects before they are exhibited.

Many museums have an education department that gives lectures and classes on the museum’s collection. Most museums offer guided tours and other programs for children and adults. For example, science and technology museums have pioneered experimental methods of teaching and “hands-on” exhibits. Children’s museums also emphasize learning by touching and doing. Other activities provided by museums include art festivals, concerts, and hobby workshops.

The funding of the museum operations, as far as I know, can be multi-channel. These sources may include foundations and corporations, national and local governments, and individuals as well. A museum may also earn money to fund itself by charging admission fees, or selling gifts relating to their exhibits, or by selling less desirable items from their collections.  (250 words)

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