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  model answer:

  The three graphs of wheat exports each show a quite different pattern between 1985 and 1990. Exports from Australia declined over the five-year period, while the Canadian market fluctuated considerably, and the European Community showed an increase.

  In 1985, Australia exported about 15 millions of tonnes of wheat and the following year the number increased by one million tonnes to 16 million. After that, however, there was a gradual decline until 1989 and 1990 when it stabilised at about 11 million tonnes. Over the same period, the amount of Canadian exports varied greatly. It started at 19 million tonnes in 1985, reached a peak in 1988 of 24 million, dropped dramatically in 1989 to 14 million tonnes and then climbed back to 19 million in 1990. Seventeen million tonnes were exported from the European Community in 1985, but this decreased to 14 million tonnes in 1986 and then rose to 15 million in 1987 and 1988 before increasing once more to 20 million in 1990.


  Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resources.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  The current global extinction crisis is one of the greatest challenges posed by the rapid expansion of human populations. The protection of endangered species, as far as I can see, should be a top priority for three main reasons: economic value, scientific value, and survival value.

  Wild animals provide many valuable substances, such as meat, skins and furs. The financial value of wild species is important to the economies of many nations. In many countries the recreational viewing of animals at zoos is also a source of revenue.

  The study of wildlife, on the other hand, provides valuable knowledge about various life processes. Such study has helped scientists understand how the human body functions and why people behave as they do. Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered important medical products by studying wildlife. In addition, by observing the effect of environmental pollution on wild animals, scientists have learned how pollution affects human life.

  Furthermore, every species of wildlife plays a role in helping maintain the balanced, living systems of the Earth. These systems must continue to function if life is to survive. Thus, the loss of any species can threaten the survival of all life, including human beings.

  In conclusion, the protection of wild animals in the 21st century is by no means a waste of resources; on the contrary, its importance should ever be more stressed by international organizations, government agencies, industry and individuals for the valuable resources the wild animals provide us and for human survival. (250 words)


  Some people claim that there are more disadvantages of the car than its advantages.

  Do you agree or disagree?

  The current hot issues include the one of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the automobile. In my opinion, its advantages outstrip its disadvantages for two major reasons: impact on society and economic impact.

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