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  People around the world are confronted with serious shortage of fresh water. What are the reasons ? How to solve the problem?




  这是原因分析的题目, 要求考生能够从不同的侧面分析一个现象或者事件发生的原因或者诱发因素. 考生答卷第一段应该陈述命题的问题, 中间主体锻炼需要包含至少两个方面, 一般三个方面的因素分析. 这要求考生陈述原因时候, 段落的层次安排符合逻辑思维习惯.


  原因分析题目是英语写作考试的大题型之一. 考生平素需要训练自己观察和分析的能力. 那些希望背诵一篇范文就上考场的被动性学习方法绝对不能解决问题. 因此考生应该养成良好的探索问题原因的习惯, 这个才是学习和测试的主要目的, 也是真正的应试方法.


  Tuning to the BBC or CNN, one is besieged by (news about) formidable disasters, diseases, conflicts, and controversies. But none is more challenging than the shortage of fresh water, a source which has long been mistakenly assumed to be inexhaustible. Unfortunately, few people realize the impending (急迫的)potential catastrophe (灾难)arising from the insufficient fresh water. Governments must be blamed if they have not informed people the importance of fresh water.


  Fresh water has been closed associated with life, not only the life of human beings, but also the life of all kinds of plants and animals. Lacking fresh water, the earth will become ill. Nevertheless, human beings are confronted with the crisis of insufficient fresh water.


  The shortage of fresh water can be attributed to the lower efficiency in water utilization. The irrigation in many countries wastes overwhelmingly. Some developing countries still use the primitive irrigation system, which is believed to waste at least 70% fresh water.


  Life water utilization also shows strikingly lower efficiency. Many citizens have no concept of saving water. In most cities in China, fresh water is used to flush lavatories. Moreover, most citizens use wash-machine, which consumes a larger volume of fresh water.


  Besides, fresh water has been polluted by agriculture and industry activities. Aquatic(水)ecosystem has largely been ruined by unrestricted drainage (排水)of sewages (污水). In metropolis (big cities大都市), the hospitals and laboratories are also the serious sources of water pollution.


  Governments are expected to launch campaigns against water pollution. Individuals, households, and the states all should use their unique ways to save the limited resources.

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