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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


  I think that I shall never see

  A poem lovely as a tree;

  A tree whose hungry mouth is prest(1)

  Against the earth/'/'s sweet flowing breast(2);

  A tree that looks at God all day

  And lifts her leafy arms(3) to pray;

  A tree that may in summer wear

  A nest of robins in her hair;

  Upon whose bosom snow has lain

  Who intimately lives with rain.

  Poems are made by by fools like me

  But only God can make a tree.

  from trees and other poems

  by Joyce Kilmer


  (1) prest: pressed 的变体,为了与下面一行最后一个词breast 押韵而采用。

  (2) flowing breast: 相当于breast flowing with milk, 解作“流出奶汁的乳房”,用来比喻土壤的肥沃。

  (3) leafy arms: 指叶子茂盛的树枝。














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