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七月分的写作题大家应该看到了,最后两次出现了两道全新的题目,而且属于与语料库关联不太大的题目,通过这点可以预见雅思今后写作题目求新求变的决心,今年下半年的重点“改革”是大作文,也就是会出现更多的新题,传统的主题预测和给出20多道概率较大的题目都已经落伍,选择BT定位法才是“以不变应万变”的策略,此乃我十二年雅思教授之心血。BT名为Broad Topic,实则对雅思将近600道题目进行BT的划分,最初的十个发展成六个,用编号表示:1号球――Career development;2号球――Infrastructure;3号球――Abstract;5号球――S&T;6号球――Maslow's theory;9号球――Globalization;最重要的是前四个球,占据题目的92%左右,考生可以锁定这四个球,每一个球有若干分支主题(Specific topic)或者写作理念(Writing Ideology)构成,每一种分支决定了一系列题目的argument生成,比如1号球由“老师功能”,“知识和经验作用”和“少小离家系列”三个分支构成,其中第二个分支题目最多,当然每个分支的名称只是源题(prototype),其中可以演变成同质性的话题,比如老师的功能可以变成现代教育的功能,家长的功能,lecture的功能,理想大学教育的功能等等,因此考生不必无休止的准备巨量的题目,只需要对源题进行重点准备,同时辐射到半年到一年半左右的题目即可,雅思写作很少考三个月之内的题目,因此我们从不预测,因为任何预测都是搞概率,我们实际上是万无一失,因为源题数量有限,大不了都准备。下面给大家列出前四个球的几个源题,本月时间不多的话可以优先练1和3号球的源题。


  Some people think the university education should prepare students for future employment, others think it should have other functions. Discuss and say what other functions you think the university should have.

  Many young people leave their home before they are 20 years old to study or start to work. Do you think it positive? What would be the disadvantages in the matter?

  Schools should teach children the academic subjects which will be beneficial and helpful in their future career, so other subjects like music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion?


  In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.

  The environmental problem is so serious to most countries and individuals that to solve it should be based on the international level rather than individuals and individual countries. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion?

  Many old buildings are protected by law because they are part of a nation's history. However, some people think they should be knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. Do you think it is important to maintain old buildings? What kind of solutions can you suggest to alleviate the problem?

  Police in Britain do not carry guns. Some people believe that it will make citizens unprotected, but others suggest that it would reduce the violence in society. Discuss those two views.


  Many people stay off working and studying. What reasons cause stress and how to solve it? Refer to your own experience.

  Happiness is considered very important in our life. Why is it difficult to define? What are the factors of achieving happiness?

  Today, people are getting greedy and selfish. Some people argue that we should attempt to go back to the older day, and show respect for the family and community. So we can make the world better to live. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  We’ll have intelligent machine-robots in the future to do the work instead of human beings. State the possible benefits and dangers of them for a university lecturer.

  Someone maintained computers are less helpful to children's study and they have a negative effect on children's physical and mental development. Do you disagree or agree with the statement?

  Many people think public libraries should provide only books and shouldn't waste their limited money on expensive hi-tech media such as software of DVDs or videos. What’s your opinion towards the statement?


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