

阅读 :


  1) I have read your advertisement in Jinan Daily for a position of a sales engineer.
  2) I wish to apply for the position of…which you advertised in yesterday’s Jinan Daily.
  3) I am very interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining a position as a sales engineer with your company.
  4) I read with interest your advertisement which appeared in…and would like to take up the challenge as a… with your firm.
  5) After completing my four-year course at…university in 1991, I was employed by ABC company as a…
  6) I believe I am well prepared, both psychologically and academically, for the post.
  7) I believe I have the appropriate qualifications and experience for this post, and therefore, here I am enclosing my curriculum vitae.
  8) Upon graduation, I first worked as…The following job was..., and currently I am working for...
  9) I am available for an interview every afternoon. Please contact me at…
  10) I hope that after reviewing my enclosed resume you will kindly give me an interview so that I can elaborate on my studies and working experience.
  11) I hope you would consider my application favorably and grant me an interview.
  12) With the kind of experience I have accumulated, I would expect a salary of not less than…

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本文标题:2012年雅思考试书信类写作技巧(6) - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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