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Topic: Traditional arts civilized a nation. Do you think the government should subsidize musicians, artists, or drama companies? What should government do ?

  Nowadays there is a growing tendency that some traditional arts are disappearing far away from modern society. Some people think the government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors or theatrical companies. From my point of view ,the government have a responsibilities to protect traditional arts, but there might be better ways than only give money to traditional artists.

  It is obvious that traditional arts are the essential part of national cultural. A study of traditional arts might be a good way to learn about cultural and it can civilized a nation. It reflects not only the political values of people, but also their religious beliefs, emotions and daily activities .China have a long history and various kinds of traditional arts, such as painting, calligraphy, architecture and Beijing opera, which offer a chances to people to enjoy civilized pleasure. However ,traditional arts are leaving contemporary people further and further away, which due to many reasons. Such as lack funds and professional guide, the impact from western cultures.

  How should government do to maintain and develop traditional arts? Firstly, the government should pay a fund for research and promotion of traditional arts. Secondly, the traditional arts can be taught in the school as alternative courses, which can cultivate a child’s interest in traditional arts. Last ,but not least, the government should sponsor the concerts and exhibitions about traditional arts as frequently as possible, which can give people more opportunities to get touch with traditional arts. Not all of us can be artists, but most of us can appreciate it, and the traditional arts can be developed if more people appreciate it.

  To sum up, traditional arts play an important role in our nation’s cultural and our society. It should be protected and developed by government in various ways.

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