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TASK 2的体裁属于议论文(ARGUMENTATIVE WRTING),通常分为discussion和 argumentation两大类。Discussion要求考生分析某个方面的问题/现象,找出成因并提出相应解决办法,往往以特殊问句形式出题(WH-,HOW)。Argumentation要求考生就某一话题/观点发表自己的见解,阐述自己的观点,力图说服读者;对某观点进行评价,驳斥对方观点等,往往以一般疑问句形式出题。下面所列雅思作文考题分别属于上述两大类:
  1. Computers can translate all kinds of languages; therefore there is no need for our children to learn foreign languages. Do you agree with this statement? (argumentation)
  2. Traditional culture can civilise a nation, so people think that the government should subsidize artists, musicians and drama companies. Do you agree or not? (argumentation)
  3. Should marijuana be legalized? (argumentation)
  4. Many young women are involved in crimes nowadays. Why? What measures should we take to solve this problem? (discussion)
  5. People nowadays suffer from heavy stress. What are the causes and how to reduce pressure? (discussion)
  Many cultures and languages have been disappearing these years. What factors contribute to this phenomenon? How to avoid it? (discussion)

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