

阅读 :

1. Read something new every day.
2. Talk with people every day. I get many of my topic ideas from questions people pose to me, or through conversations.
3. Write down titles and topic ideas in a notepad file.
4. Maintain a healthy bookmarking and revisiting habit.
5. Find 20-40 minutes in every day to sit still and type.
6. Follow an easy framework.
7. Get the post up fast, not perfect. You can edit if you have to, later. Perfectionism kills good habits.
8. Dissect other people’s posts to understand what makes them tick. The more you understand of how they write, the more you can take the best parts of it into how you write.
9. Find useful and interesting pictures.
10. Think about what your customers and prospects need.
11. Mix things up by sometimes blogging on paper first.
12. Mix things up by writing guest posts for sites that don't like yours. This gives your mind new formats to think about.
13. Mix things up by changing the lengths of your posts: some long, some brief. Learn what makes an impact and how.
14. Never worry about throwing up the occasional “best" of post, once you get enough material.

It's not easy, but once you develop the habits, they stick with you. I’m writing quite regularly now, but it took me several years to get my groove down to a science. Some days, it’s still thrown off. Busy schedules can get the best of us, no matter what. That said, try to keep some content “in the can,” so that you’re rarely at a loss to keep your audience happy.

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