

阅读 :

  as the most important invention in the 21 century,computers have windspread in the world,and the use of it has become the necessity of various spheres both in our work and in our daily life. although computers are also greatly utilized in the education field,teachers are still playing a crucial part on the platform. personally,i believe that teachers should not be replaced by computers due to the following reasons.

  being the architect of humanbeings' moral, teachers shoulder the responsibilities of passing knowledge to students as well as shaping them to be real men with good qualities. students may learn some certain knowledge from computers which are cold and senseless, but good qualities can only be taught by teachers.

  at the same time,computers might not give detailed and understandable elaboration of complicated theories. after judging whether the answers are right or wrong computers fail to tell them why they make such mistakes. the problems can only be dealt with by teachers.

  in addition,some elementary academic exchanges,such as discussion and association,cannot be organised by computers.nevertheless, teachers make up the this means,students' learning enthusiasm is greatly activated.

  above all,computers bring about many significant revolutions in the education field,but teachers are still the hosts of the classroom.we should always bear in mind that men are the owner of technology and no matter how intelligent the computers are,they are merely man-made machines.

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