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  Along with the mass use of computer technology in education circles, we are delighted to witness the uncountable conveniences be brought by computer. Some people even argue that teacher will not be important in classroom any more. Is this reasonable? Personal speaking, I oppose holding such a ridiculous conclusion.

  In the first place, the feature of teaching defines teachers as an essential part in education. It is well known that teaching is a process of mutual-communication: firstly, teachers impart/initiate knowledge or ideas to students, then students should promptly transfer their feedback to teachers, moreover, teachers will give students the final interpretation according to their specific requirement. Besides, teachers also can (teach students in accordance of their aptitude). In contrast, what computers can do is merely to display materials which have already stored in their EMS memory or mechanically execute operator’s commands. We actually can not image what our education will being if computers substitute teachers totally.

  As to another reason, it seems that teacher’s role as a supervisor is more and more overt. Computer is indeed a controversy, it not only can be an efficient education assistant, but also can become an addiction which includes too much violent and (pornographic propaganda). Youngsters do not mature fully in psychology, therefore, without teachers' supervision, many children would spend hours playing computer games or surfing unhealthy websites, which are regarded as a waste of valuable time and intelligence, instead of trying to have a good command of knowledge and skills.

  We never deny that computers are absolutely an available education implements, furthermore, the combination of teacher and computer technology will greatly improve our education quality. However, from all of the grounds of argument mentioned above, we can safely draw a conclusion that teacher will not be replaced by computer in the classroom.

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本文标题:2013年雅思考试写作范文24 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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