

阅读 :

  nowaday,variety of language and culture has been lost rapidly,as a matter of fact,the speed of language and culture dissapear is as fast as the speed of development of society.i would rather to give the main reasons for it and explore the good solution to this phenomenon.

  firstly,its undeniable that the development of new technology and science contribute the ressesion of traditional culture.microwave,for example,save my mother time.throw the prepared and forzen food into it,we will have the dinner within a few minutes.but we will not have the delicious food cooked by my mother.gone foreveris the traditional cooking.

  secontly,as the economic globalization is being carried out,the traditional culture is being under the threat of assimilation.especailly in chinese depress areas,as the western culture with investment floods into these nations,.the young people became obbessed with the fresh culture so that they miss very much their own culture.however,culture just like a mirror which reflect the value of one country,how can these cultures exist if the young people who are the hope of one country are tired of learning it?

  in addition,nowaday the young people whose mother tongue is not english became crazy about learning english on the ground that english well can ensure them a decent job,a better life.they spent a lot of time in studying english so that they dont have spare time to develop and enrich their own,its not surpring that many a language,only spoken by few people,disappear one by one in the mordern society.

  To sum up,the distinct culture make our world colourful .it is notonly belong to their own country,it also belong to the world.let us cherich our traditonal culture,for it embody the very costoms and culture,which sustain our family ,our friendship and our spirital life!

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