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  As the more and more important part of our lives, media plays significant role. However, sometimes public may ignore its negative influence on teenagers, even our society as a whole. Here, I would like to illustrate my point of view on the issue.

  Admittedly, it is almost impossible to talk of our vivid lives without mentioning the vital roles played by various medias, such as books, films and Internet. First, as main entertainment and leisure methods, reading, watching films and surfing on Internet take up our most spare time. And they become the most popular way to help us relax after a pressured working day. Second, we have opportunities to access to all kinds of up-dated information, news and events reported by media. Thus, it is undoubted that mass medias are reshaping our lives, and influence our world in a big way.

  However, we should notice that, in this moment of triumph of media, it also presents us realistic and potential hazards along with its benefits. To beginning, because of more and more vehement competition, some medias come to fudge events for catering the appetite of a few readers and audience. More seriously, some of them, representing their political groups or governments, may tend to report a war with bias. We become content with the second-hand experience. Little by little, some medias cut us off from the real world. In addition, some books, films and TV programs with pornographic information and glamorizing violence may poison the minds of juvenile. It is commonly believed that there is a definite link between violent movies and campus violence. Last but not least, over addicting to films, Internet and TV waste children a lot of study time. And it is always accompanied with poor academic performance. One of my classmate did not pass final exam last semester due to surfing on Internet took up his too much study time. Obviously, media bring too much negative influence to our teenagers, even the society as a whole.

  In summary, there are still many other reasons can support my inclination, but the obvious ones have been represented as above. Although so many problems brought by media need to be resolved, I do believe that, as time passes, governments will find a feasible way to change the situation

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