

阅读 :

  nowaday,the gap between cities and countryside is getting more and more larger.the factors for it is complex.i would like to disccuss the main reason for the phenomenon.

  some place the blames on the few employment opportunity in,men and women crowd into the big cities in order to in seach of employment ,a better life .especially young school leavers,including some graduates born from the countryside,are reluctant to seek a job in a gains more modersization while few attention can be given to the countryside.

  other contribute it to the goverment's ignoring attitutes to it.every year,goverment contribute more of limited money to build more musuemes and galleries in big cities.they can attract the investment from abroad,anf furturemore,it can improve the development of cities.while there are a lot of people in countryside who are stilll struggling below the line of poverty.this disequlibrium lead to the gap.

  therefore,the contribution and education of contryside should be fully given the priority by govenment.government should make good use of every cent to bridge the gap!

  with the increasing numbers of guaduates,the employment opportunity of big city is getting few and few.while there are a lot of the potentially succesfull opportunity and career development in countryside.all neglacted tasts should be undertaken,why not go there to play your ability to full?

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