

阅读 :

  155.what bliss it is to be able to lie in bed instead of working. 

  156.he’ll start receiving a pension after he retires. 

  157.old ones are usually more conservative than young people. 

  158.such a movie is not wholesome to children. 

  159.justice must not be denied to anyone, however poor he may be. 

  160.endanger one’s health 

  161.the number of a will be doubled in 1 year. 

  162.the company allows us an annual vacation of two weeks. 

  163.we read the newspaper to keep up with the current situation. 

  164.the only beneficiaries are consumers and retailers. 

  165.price adjustment is a normal market activity. 

  166.a happy work environment is a productive work environment. 

  167.those days were terrible because i was under heavy pressure and had no escape if i failed. my future on more study. 

  169.a school can only be a temporary buffer against social risks. one day, they have to go out. has become a lengthier process. 

  171.but fear of joblessness is not the only thing that sends grads back home. 

  172.helpful to keep a line between work and personal life. 

  173.professional conflicts of interest. 

  174.compete for the same promotion 为同一个竞升职位而竞争 

  175.most importantly, an office relationship might make the loves believe that they have a lot more in common than they actually do. 

  176.sad breakups show that love and work make a disastrous mix. 

  177.jet lag 时差 

  178.many students share the same opinion that... 

  179.find a job that is related to their professional knowledge 

  180.we shouldn’t have such high expectations on our future jobs. 

  181.slid(slide) from fourth to seventh 

  182.students are no exception.学生没有例外 

  183.when you take shoes off plants nearby die and small birds fall to earth unconscious. 

  184.time to do sth most upbeat about future 

  186.a is already being feted as the new "king of .." but time will tell whether he is the real deal.,everyone everywhere recognizes a. 

  188.for underneath all the posing and preening is a man who puts his family’s desires alongside his own. 

  189.have a passion for sth 

  190.they remain, underneath all the brashness, traditionalists at heart. 

  191.a great many cancers can be cured, but only if properly treated before they begun to spread. 

  192.he left his successful business and life of luxury to become a monk. appropriate for  

  194.relevant evidence should not appropriate other people’s belongings without their permission. 

  196.consider all of the possibilities carefully. 

  197.his wages are not adequate to support his family. 

  198.a man who is careless in what he does will never succeed.’s impolite behavior to smoke in... 

  200.the ice on the roads is a hazard for driving and walking.

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