

阅读 :
  1. 有人认为gifted children think different from common children ,他们应该分别进行教育.If all children are grouped together regardless of intellectual ability, teacher will be caught in dilemma that 将会出现,聪明学生觉得too slow not satisfy ,feel boring to the course, 而有一些学生can not catch up with the progress, 也会感到frustrated.
  2. 但是我认为,是非常不合理的:
  (1)无法确定哪个孩子智力高,用IQ test 以及考试成绩来判定is stupid.
  (2)to separate children according to their individual competence can hurt their feelings, which goes against their personality development.学习成绩好的学生are instilled(逐渐灌输) with a sense of superiority while 成绩不好的学生感觉很失败。
  3. 如果将学生放在一起教育的话,这种氛围更有利与孩子的成长,鼓励好的帮助差的,差的学习好的。至于老师上课内容的把握,适合大部分学生就行,特别优秀的和特别茶的都可以通过自学和请教老师获得需要的知识。

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