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  Para1. This is a table / chart / (line线状 bar柱状 pie饼状)graph which demonstrate / illustrate / reveal /depict /privide information about.............

  Para2. (1)Obvious /Apparent from the graph is that ...rank the first/highest,while/whereas ....turn out to be the lowest

  (2)It is exhibited/shown in the table that.....

  (3)It can be seen from the table that.....

  Para3.(1)饼.柱图 A,which accounts for...%,ranks the first;then next is B with...%;followed by C,constituting...%;finally it comes D.E.F at...%...%and...%respectively


  ①It is worth mentioning that....

  ②It must be pointed out that....

  ③More striking/suprising is that....

  Para4.To conclude /In conclusion/overall

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