

阅读 :


  I’m writing to express my appreciation for the invitation you sent me, granting me the honor of attending your conference.


  I’m writing to explain to you the reason why I was absent from your lecture last time.


  I am writing to confirm the loss of my credit card.


  I’m writing to inquire about a bag that I left behind in a room at your hotel.


  I’m writing to inquire about information in relevance with accommodation, fee charges and specific qualifications required of candidates to your university.


  I’m writing to tell you that I am unable to pay next month’s rent which is due on Sunday.

  7.我写信的目的是向您推荐Robert Jiang先生超凡的个性与超强的学习能力的。

  I’m writing to recommend to you the outstanding personality and the super ability for learning of Mr. Robert Jiang.


  In your letter, you state that my account is $240 overdrawn and that you will charge me $70.


  Anyway, I’m writing because I’m inviting some friends over for dinner and I thought you might also like to join us.


  To make the most of my time there, I would very much like to use the facilities at your library and I am writing to ask for your kind permission to do so.

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