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  Should criminals be sent to prison or should they do something else as a punishment? Explain your opinion and give your reasons.

  sent to a jail:

  The world would be in great chaos and full of blood and violence. It is the best deterrent to crime. They will think twice before they commit a crime. The decline of crime has a direct correlation with the implementation of the practice. It serves a just reward for the heartless and merciless malefactors while a great spiritual comfort to the victim’s family. The abolition of the practice will send out a misleading message that anyone can kill and get away with it.

  I am in favor of the former view that we should retain the time-honored catholicon to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment to all these law-abiding citizens. An old saying best expresses my attitude:“Mercy to the criminal many be cruelty to the people.”

  make up for, dangerous

  It is hard to guarantee that they have really repented of their crimes. If it turns out (结果发现) that they just pretend they repent and start anew and actually they commit crimes again, the loss and the damage to the victims will be irreparable. And also, if the police want the behaviour of the criminals to be under control, they have to spend money and time in supervising the criminals after they are set free. Furthermore, once the criminals commit crimes again, it will take the police much trouble to catch them.

  It is a great deterrence for many potential criminals. Compared with the deprivation of freedom, letting the criminals do something else as punishment is too mild.

  It makes the violent robber think twice before pulling the trigger(扣动扳机).

  Otherwise, it will send out a misleading message that anyone can kill and get away with(逃脱处罚)it.

  do something else:

  economical, lessen the prison crowding and thus cut down on government budget,

  The practice of sending criminals to jail can not scare off the would-be criminals. Up to now, there is no evidence showing the direct correlation between the practice and the decline of crime. We should offer the offender a chance to mend his way and take over a new life.

  Anyone who is guilty of a crime, offender, criminal, killers and rapists, malefactor, villain, evildoer

  The imprisonment has a limited role to play in eliminating crimes.

  be unsociable and lack working skills, ignorance of the new knowledge, cannot survive in the brand new society, which changes and develops everyday

  share their criminal experience

  reclamation, reclaim

  out of pulse(出于冲动), regret, be not born evil

  If given an opportunity to remedy their faults, they would appreciate and cherish it.

  They would not feel discriminated or exclusive by society.

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