

阅读 :



  身体(physical development)

  智力(intellectual development)

  道德及思想(mental development)

  社会性发展(social development)



  身体健康:孩子们户外活动相对较少(insufficient outdoor activities),并且花很多时间在电脑、电视、游戏等,因此会伤害视力(impair eyesight),导致身体素质下降(lead to poor fitness),甚至引起超重(overweight)。学习压力也会影响身体健康(often spend much time on study/face fiercecompetition so that they suffer from great study pressure).

  智力发展:在校学习学术知识(academic knowledge),从电视或其他途径中了解课外知识(extra-curriculum knowledge that students are interested in),学生们可以扩宽视野(expand vision)和丰富知识(enrich knowledge)。不同科目会训练不同技能,例如数学-train logic thinking,艺术-relax frompressure, discover talents and develop potential,体育-build better physical condition, learnteam spirit, 语言-learn more cultures, more competitive when looking for a job, easier toadapt to the globalized world.

  道德及思想发展:遵守规则(obey school rules, learn basic code of conduct),判断是非(judgeright and wrong),尊重并体谅他人(respect others and be considerate). 培养独立性和克服困难(develop independence and overcome difficulties on their own). 但学生易受外界不良影响(bevulnerable to the negative influence in TV or on the Internet),易模仿行为(tend to imitateparents' and teachers'behavior),缺乏自控(lack self-control ability)

  社会性发展:校园活动(campus activities)和社区服务(community service)可以帮助积累实践经验(accumulate practical experience to better adapt to society), 培养沟通技能(communicationskill/interpersonal skills),解决问题的能力(the ability to solve problems),实习或兼职工作帮助了解工作环境(attend internships or take part-time job to better understand real workingenvironment),认识朋友(make more friends, gain more personal resources)


  家庭方面:父母对孩子的性格养成起关键作用(play a key role in building the character);提供更丰富的经历(博物馆或旅游);更注重综合发展(overall development)。但很多孩子为独生子女(only child),家长忙于工作(be busy with work)并且没有正确的教育方法(right parenting)可能会溺爱(spoil)或伤害孩子自尊(damage children's self-esteem)

  学校方面:主要教授知识,教师拥有专业的背景(professional knowledge)和丰富的经验(richexperience),传授知识更有效(more effective in imparting knowledge)。对学生错误行为及时发现和处理(discover and deal with poor behaviors such as bully immediately)。校园活动和体育锻炼可以培养学生之间的合作竞争(competition & cooperation),促使增强实践能力(improve practicalskills),鼓励学生创新(encourage students to be creative),激发好奇心和学习兴趣(inspirecuriosity)

  社会方面:以消极方面居多,主要指媒体中出现的问题内容(questionable content)如暴力(violence)黄色(pornography),青少年容易模仿(copy, imitate),此外青少年不成熟(immature)未形成完整价值体系(value system)也容易被他人影响。


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