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  TASK2: There are many problems associatedwith mobile phonestoday.

  To what extent do the advantages of mobilephones outweighthe disadvantage?





  There are social, medical, andtechnical problemsassociated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do theytake? Do you agree that theproblems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?



  long-distance and real-timecommunication

  accelerate the spread ofinformation

  useful mobile phone applications


  distraction and alienation



  As concerns mount over the advent of new technology, peoplenowadays hold a mixedfeeling toward the use of mobile phones. Phenomena areidentified that mobile phones, especiallysmart phones, make quite a few usersdistracted from their work or studies, who are often seenpreoccupied with miscellaneousapplications. However, there are still numbers of people enjoy awide range ofconvenient and effective services mobile phones provide, which, to someextent,have already been integrated into people’s routine life.

  The main criticism concerning mobile phones squarely fallsinto the distraction. Usually couldwe see the situation where people sittingaround a table do nothing but to deeply concentrateon their phones, withshamefully little real communication with people beside. Mobilephones,therefore, seem to make users alienated or aloof sometimes, and moreover,peoplegradually form the habit of interacting with each other online or bytexting messages rather thandirect meeting or talking. Apart from thedisadvantages mentioned, long time usage of mobilephones can also bring physicalharm to people’s health which is exposed to much radiation.

  Although mobilephones are blamed for those aspects, I still doubt people would choose tolivewithout them or neglect their undeniably convenient offers. Firstly,long-distance and real-time communications by mobile phones enable peopleliving in different places to contact eachother with efficiency. Accordingly,many multinationals, which frequently hold video-orteleconferencing, are amongthe biggest beneficiaries, saving amounts of commuting cost. Inaddition,mobiles with data have essentially accelerated the spread of information. Thelatestnews at present is only a click or touch away, whose timely pushnotification services areirresistible for people bustling about in thisinformation age. Furthermore, there are many usefulapplications that can evenmonitor and evaluate the users’ health and act as a personal generalpractitioner,giving medical advice when it is necessary. Those applications are wellanticipated toimprove users’ life quality.

  The examples I have given are just a few of the many thatcan elucidate the advantages ofmobile phones. Although attentions should beattached to some problems caused, those are stilla small part of the wholepicture. Besides, some of the problems, such as radiation inparticular, arepotentially to be solved in the future as technology and science areprogressingwith momentum.


  mount v. 增加,上升

  advent n. 出现,到来

  distracted adj. 注意力分散的

  preoccupied adj. 全神贯注的

  miscellaneous adj. 各种各样的

  application n. 应用程序

  integrated adj. 融为一体的

  criticism n. 批评

  concentrate v. 集中注意力

  alienated adj. 疏远的

  aloof adj. 冷漠的

  apart from v. 除…之外

  expose v. 暴露

  radiation n. 辐射

  undeniably adv. 无可否认地

  real-time communication n. 即时通讯

  multinational n. 跨国公司

  video-or teleconferencing n. 视频或电话会议

  beneficiary n. 受惠者

  commute v. 通勤

  push notification service n. 推送服务

  irresistible adj. 不可抗拒的,极其诱人的

  bustle v. 奔忙

  accelerate v. 加速

  monitor v. 监控

  general practitioner n. 全科医生

  anticipated adj. 有期望的

  elucidate v. 阐明

  momentum n. 动力

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