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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!

Online English Writing Community

  16. In my opinion, this computer is different from that one you saw。

  17. It is certain that we have a long way to go。

  18. All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims。

  19. As far as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book。

  20. It has been proved that every substance, no matter what it is, is made up of atoms。

  21. It has been decided that we are going to build a railway whose base must be completed within this year。

  22. It is obvious (evident) that the success of the innovation depends on our concerted efforts。

  23. To be frank, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice。

  24. It is natural that one may have trouble expressing complicated ideas in simple English。

  25. What is more important, the agreement they have negotiated is being carried out。

  26. We will be successful as long as we persevere。

  27. Frankly speaking, what you call the truth may not apply to things happening here。

  28. It is true that we must redouble our efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up with the developed countries。

  29. I take it for granted that they will support this idea。

  I regard it as natural that they will agree to this idea。

  30. In a certain sense, a successful scientist is a person who is never satisfied with what he has achieved。

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