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考鸭们都知道,雅思写作话题有一个历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文:Some people think reading stories in book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?——2015年12月12日教育类雅思写作真题





Reading stories in books is a basic way for children to obtain knowledge and open their minds. Although watching TV and playing computer games are also popular educational methods among children, reading bookstore, in my view, is still better because of effectiveness and health.


Compared to TV and games, learning by reading is more effective since it is a synthetic skill. Like any other skills, reading takes practice. Children learn to read by sounding out the letters and finding the meaning of the words. Then, they begin to comprehend the context, paragraph and chapter. To fully understand the content, children have to give all their attention to the text. Also, more than just understanding a certain topic, children tend to develop reasoning, imagination and critical thinking during reading books, which will help them to learn more efficiently and deeply in the future.


In addition, reading books is good to children’s eyesight. According to some researches, spending too much time before a computer screen or watching TV will lead to shortsightedness. Therefore, reading is better for both efficiency and health purpose.


Admittedly, the knowledge disseminated by vivid pictures on screen is easier for children to catch information, but too many moving objects and colorful images will distract children, especially to some young kids, from their primary tasks. Moreover, using TV and computers too long will lead to a sedentary life that is more harmful to one’s wrist and back.


In conclusion, reading stories in book is better than TV and computers for it is a more effective way to learn and better for health.



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