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  The subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. Some people argue that teachers should make the choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  It has long been argued amidthe community: Which one countsmore, authority or academy? Notwithstanding the fact that our current pedagogyis so much clinging to the central committee, the educational system is in a blockbusteramount of outcryfor reform. Does the temporary system still embracerationality? Or is it the ripe juncture torefurnish it out and out? I personally took a deep look in it.

  In the showdown between authority and academy, the former arguablyoutweighs the latter. Politics is a compulsory course in all kinds of enrollment examinations as well as all levels of educational institutions. The government, or a commander-in-chief to be vivid, needs to be held accountable for the stability of society. Education is by all means an almightytool to incubatea behaving generation. With social development gaining momentum, a farsighted power base generally with a broader scope than the individuals, needs to build up particular majors specializing in fledglingdomains involving cleaning energy, high-tech innovation, interpretation, to name but a few. Trained personnel in such fields are usually more fit into the society.

  Arguments being articulatedabove though, academy-oriented teaching methodology is so far still reputedfor its own merits. With teachers gaining more says in selecting knowledge, the students will presumably be inculcatedwith a more objective perception of the curriculum. Without authority barging in, the possibility of the impartiality being jeopardizedis excluded for the mission of serving the regime is no longer valid. Only under such circumstance can the intrinsicvalue of the subject be authentically and manifested to the thirsty learners in an untangled manner. An untarnished and pristine academic ambienceis colossallydemanding by numerous pundits for the sake of equity and truth.

  To sum up, there's no such inception that is appropriate to be dubbed"sheerly right" or "starkly wrong" . The righteousone solely lies in the rationality of adapting it. Authority, in China's case, can never be an outlierstanding by the side of academic circle owing to its unique national condition.

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