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本文标题:2017雅思考试写作常用句型汇总 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


  • 雅思写作6分保命句型模板

      1. After pondering this question on many occasions, I finally reach the opinion that is something worthy to do and I cannot skip it.  2. Although it is an admirable idea, ___ is not alw...

    2018-11-29 雅思作文
  • 【大作文题库】雅思写作大作文家庭生活类话题范文汇总


    2018-12-17 雅思作文
  • 雅思写作常见词汇:社会类(上)

    1. urbanization 城市化 2. centralization 集中化3. imbalance 不平衡4. in the long run 从长远角度而言5. infrastructure 基础设施6. booming 繁荣发展的7. tertiary industry 第三产业8. tranquility...

    2018-11-26 雅思作文
  • 2018年雅思写作真题范文之:投资公共建设还是绘画音乐

    考鸭们都知道,2018年的雅思作文真题都来自于历史题库。本文就为大家梳理历年雅思写作真题范文——社会类话题:Many people think the painting and music do not directly improve the quality of peo...

    2018-12-18 雅思作文
  • 2016年雅思写作万能模板必看一

      2016年雅思写作万能模板必看一  1. 一个人的实际能力才是企业所真正看重的。  It is one's practical capability that enterprises truly value.  (这句话用强调句句型表达效果比较好。)  2....

    2018-12-01 雅思作文
  • 2013年雅思考试写作范文69

      This is a flow chart that describes how the trees in the yellow stone park in the USA will be replanted.  After the light and fire had destroyed the trees, most of the trees became soil...

    2018-11-28 雅思作文
  • 雅思写作辅导:动物保护

    Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this o...

    2018-11-24 雅思作文
  • 【原创范文】2018年1月13日雅思A类写作大作文Task 2真题大作文范文

    2018年1月13日场的雅思考试已结束,本场雅思写作大作文为社会类话题,题目为:Employers should not be concerned about the way their employees are dressed at work. They should only care about the...

    2018-12-18 雅思作文
  • 老外的雅思9分范文点评

      中国人写的雅思作文有结构但语言不够地道;native speaker写的文章够地道,但不够雅思!因此,市面上总找不到“完美”的雅思例文。  此次,我特别邀请我的美国朋友(同样研究和教授雅思)“按照我的要求”写了...

    2018-11-30 雅思作文
  • 雅思写作范文:教育的价值

      Education: Losing Its Value  Today, more and more people are attending third level education, and many go on to post-graduate degrees. People specialize in subjects that were not dreame...

    2018-11-30 雅思作文

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