1. 明确工作流程以及目的 2. 准备工作 3. 描述(按时间/过程先后顺序) 4. 结果 5. 总结 了解了流程图写作的规律性及叙述要点后,雅思作文栏目在此也给大家列举了一些常见的描述流程的短语及句子,供大家参考学习。 描述流程常用的词汇及短语: he first step is to the next step is to the last step is to firstly secondly thirdly/finally next then later the first stage involves in the next stage in the following stage in the last stage first of all to begin with at the same time simultaneously subsequently consequently before this during after this in the course of in order to/in order not to in order thatso as to/so as not to
描述流程常用句子: the picture illustrates…… it mainly consists of……
the following diagraph shows the structure of…… it always involves following steps. the whole procedure can be divided into…stages it works as follows. 以上就是雅思作文栏目给大家总结的雅思流程图作为的写作要点及常用的写作词汇/短语以及句子,希望能给正在备考的同学们带来帮助。想要提升雅思写作分数,大家一定要做大量的写作练习。最后,雅思作文栏目衷心祝愿大家都能考出好成绩,顺利赴海外求学。
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