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分享4月30日最新雅思写作考试大作文真题范文一枚。作者持有的观点是:Age group is one of the many effects imposed on how people consume.一起来看看这篇范文吧!



People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Sample answer:

One’s consumption pattern can be dictated by many factors including not only the environment where they live but also what they need in daily life. Thus, I tend to hold the view that age group is one of the many effects imposed on how people consume.

The reason why people purchase consumer products is a complicated issue but it is obvious to say that age plays a profound role in these behaviors because people in different life stages have different needs. For example, the elderly are more likely to go to grocery stores due to a more slow-paced living style, in comparison to younger generation, who are inclined to consume electronic gadgets for work or just as a tool to entertain themselves. There is an additional factor in this respect to be considered. People whose spending habits are formed to seek a sense of belonging to one group are common in society. They regard certain consumer goods as a token of their age culture so as to be recognized by peers.

However, demonstrating that age is an important factor does not mean that it is the only one that affects what people buy. Other factors such as latest fashion trend, brand images, or simply compulsoriness are accounted for purchasing behaviors. As well-designed advertising has invaded our daily life in forms of sponsorship, pop-up ads, billboard, flyers, or brochures, it is difficult to say they the public are immune to this. Commercials has the power of persuading consumers to buy what they produce nowadays regardless the practical uses. Luxury brands can be cited to illustrate this.

I therefore believe that shopping habits are the result of various elements. People need to figure out what they really need and what they can afford first before paying money.

(294 words)


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