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Nowadays, people move to big cities. Why do you think this happening? Is this trend a bad or a good thing? 现代很多人移居向大城市,你认为原因是什么?这一趋势有利还是有害?

Some people prefer living in a small town while others prefer the big cities. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are benefits in live in a big city such as chance to find transportation, chance to find a job, and higher quality of education.

First, the advantage to live in a big city is transportation. Live in a big city has more chance to find a more transportation such as bus, car and train. For example, when I decided to go to my school I used several transports such as bus or taxi. Also, the transportations are very comfortable in large city because you can go to any places really quickly, and you save money riding on buses and subways etc. Especially, these are day's oil prices are soaring high so it will be very helpful for you to save money.

Secondly, the benefit of living in a big city is chance to find a job. I think the breathing in a big city has more chance to find a job. For instance, when I graduated from a university, I find a job in a big city because there are a lot of companies in a big city. On the other hand, many people were moved from small town to big city to find a good job.

Lastly, the merit in living in a big city is more chances for high quality of education. There are numerous resources and information readily available in the big city. The residents there can easily acquire books, shows and movies in different fields. On the other hand, those resources might be difficult to obtain for inhabitants in the country.

In conclusion, I prefer to live in the big city because there are strengths in living in a big city such as chance to find transportion, chance to find a job, and higher quality of education.

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本文标题:【新鲜出炉】2016年5月换题季雅思写作最新题库范文之移居大城市 - 雅思作文_雅思写作_雅思范文


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