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Task:More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?



When it comes to the phenomenon that private cars become popular and common among the public, some people may argue that the environment may suffer from such a fact, but I approve of the idea that there exist more merits for individuals if they own a private car.

Admittedly, the use of private cars may lead to the deterioration of the environment. Compared to public transport, private cars could merely serve a very limited number of passengers, but they still emit no less gas than public vehicles do. Moreover, excessive carbon dioxide released by cars may aggravate global warming to some degree, leading to some severe consequences, such as rising sea levels. Nevertheless, citizens may have a better life with private cars.

Initially, the public may enjoy convenient traffic with their own cars. When travelers intend to go to some remote areas for a trip, public transport may not cover such areas completely. Providing that curious visitors brought a car, they would still be free to drive to any place they look forward to. Thus, purchasing a private car should be at the top of tourists’ agenda since it enables tourists to take their personal trips.

Furthermore, driving may serve to help people release their pressure to some extent. In the current era, people are occupied with heavy work, which may bring them a lot of pressure. Correspondingly, some more approaches may be developed to assist depressive people to alleviate their mental burdens. Driving is also a recommendable way since drivers could refresh themselves temporarily, especially when they drive at midnight freely with little intervention.

In sum, the pros acquired from driving may exceed the cons for the environment, considering that driving allows tourists to go to any site they like and provides citizens with a method of unloading pressure.

(325 words)

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