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Task:It is suggested that all the young adults should undertake a period of unpaid work helping people in the community. Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks to the community and the young people?

Sample answer:

In recent years, it has become more and more common for societies to encourage young people to do unpaid work in the local community. In my view, the voluntary participation of youth brings more benefits to young people and community.

By doing unpaid work, young people can gain experience and exercise skills, which are helpful for their performance in the future career life. For instance, when they work with others and interact with people, they can enhance their abilities of problem solving, communication and teamwork. Also, young people will feel a sense of belonging to the local community through voluntary work, building unity and reducing distrust among members of community. To communities, with the help of young people, they can reduce the financial burden of the community. If communities employ professional workers to do the same work, a high cost certainly occurs. But now, local councils can do more in other aspects like updating sport facilities or supporting disabled people, with the saving money.

Despite those merits of voluntary work, there are some potential drawbacks. Unpaid work might occupy a lot of time, which will lead to an obvious decrease in their learning efficiency in school or workplace. Besides, how to organize young people to work systematically is still a problem to local communities. Communities should avoid potential conflicts since these young people come from different social backgrounds.

From the above discussion, young people should be encouraged to do unpaid work since community service is good for youngsters’ future career life. Meanwhile, communities can save money to do something more beneficial to local community construction. However, there are still some negative points such as wasting time for young people and hard organization for community.

(284 words)


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