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大作文话题:It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. We can learn from books, films and internet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?没有必要通过旅游去了解他国文化,我们通过书本,电影和互联网学习获得知识。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?




Travel is commonly perceived as a good approach to the traditional customs and exotic cultures of other countries or regions. However, some people are suspicious of the necessity of travel as we can learn about other cultures by reading books, watching films and browsing the Internet, which seem cheaper, less time-consuming and more accessible. In my view, although these methods can help us get some general ideas, a full understanding of the local culture can only be obtained through travelling in person.

Firstly, cultural items acquired from books, movies or the Internet only show the opinions or attitudes of a certain group of people, who in some circumstances may convey wrong messages and lead to cultural misunderstanding and discrimination. For example, in some books or movies British people are often described as being conservative, sophisticated and indifferent, but when we travel to the United Kingdom, we’ll find many people there friendly, outgoing and sometimes even a little crazy. So travel grants us the opportunity to break the stereotypes brought by mass media.

Secondly, travel boosts cultural communication in a more active way than books or videos do. During travel, we can initiatively interact with local people and deeply experience their life,such as their dietary habit, peculiar customs and unique manners, while transiting our own culture to those local people in the process of mutual exchanges. Obviously, it is not that easy for mass media to achieve such a direct and effective interaction.

To conclude, although some mass media, such as books, films or the Internet, play a necessary role in the cultural exchange, traveling to other places is of greater importance in order for us to personally experience the distinctive cultures and customs which may diverge from what we have acquired from mass media.

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