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为大家带来11月11日场雅思写作小作文范文,真题:The charts below show the protein and calorie intakes of people in different parts of the world. Compare and contrast.小作文范文及范文解析见下文:

传送门>>>>>2017年11月11日雅思A类写作大小作文真题范文多版本汇总 ☜点击链接可查看

雅思小作文范文解析:本题属于柱图组合类别。考生在处理信息时务必做到区分重点和次重点以免数值论述过多,造成模糊数据特征。此外,在段落划分方面,组合图形基本可以遵循 “一图一段” 的方法。(此处不考虑特殊情况)


The bar charts compare the average amount of protein and calorie intake by people from four regions of the world.

It is noticeable that people in North America take most protein into their bodies, with 62 grams of animal protein and 18 grams of other protein and the overall quantity is almost double that of protein intake by Latin American (45grams). Meanwhile, their animal protein intake is approximately at half of that by North American. However, the intake of protein in India and East Africa is much less, at around 30 grams among which they share the same amount of other protein intake (15grams).

Regarding to average intake of calories, the figure for North America is over the ideal calorie intake, standing at 3500 kilocalories and for Latin America is 2800 kilocalories, close to ideal intake ( 3000 kilocalories). By contrast, there are only 2000 kilocalories intake for people in India.

Overall, it can be seen that average intake of protein and calories of North American both exceed the ideal standards whereas that for Indian are the lowest among those areas.(182 words)



It is noticeable that… 明显的是…

be almost double that of… 几乎是…的两倍

be approximately at half of… 几乎是…的一半

share the same amount of 有同样的量

regarding to… 至于…

stand at… 到达…

close to… 接近…

Overall, it can be seen that 总的来说,可以看出…


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